Websites that discuss Rife related topics (New websites added daily)
Non-Rife related heath websites that are of interest to the Rife community.
Special group for those wanting to receive new Rife Forum posts via Email
Rife Shop Rating:Welcome to our new Rife Shop website, your one-stop location for finding ALL relevant Rife related websites and products. We want to make this directory as complete as possible and welcome suggestions as to which websites to list.
It is currently under construction, so please excuse us if anything is not working correctly. If you have any question, please contact us.
Background Information.
It started out as the Rife Forum Links Directory, that listed many Rife related websites, that has now been moved to its own website for a number of reasons. It is called the "Rife Shop" as it is a central location to find the websites you need when shopping for information or relevant devices. You can search for websites free of charge, in some cases we have setup affiliate agreements with commercial websites in order to help cover our costs. We may in future offer products ourselves.
I know or run a Rife-Related website that is not listed here?
Great, this website is still under construction and we welcome suggestions for new websites to list.
We suggest you should first register an account with us and login, before suggesting the link. However, it is possible to simply suggest a link without registering. You do need to give a valid email address, however.
Click here to suggest the website you think should be added. We review all suggestions and if it meets our criteria (see below), we will add it at our own descretion. Please note that we currently have a backlog of websites to add and you will be added to the queue. There is no charge for listing a non-commercial website, but just one link per website is allowed without a subscription. If you run your own website, we strongly urge you to link to us as well. If your website is commercial, please also consider taking out a subscription with us for better placement of your link, the ability to place multiple links to your website and more.
So why "Rife Shop", what are you selling?
Primarily, this website is a central hub linking to people, companies and videos, both commercial and non-comercial, that offer information and/or products that are related to resonance therapy methods, similar to those that Royal Rife worked on. Non Rife-Related health websites may be linked to in the General Health section.
Although we do plan to create our own products for sale in future, the only thing we are currently selling is subscriptions to those running websites, to have a more prominent placement on this website. Access to this website is free to all end-users.
One of the major problems facing the Rife Forum was lack of funding. Due to suffering a number of technical setbacks, it has been offline for sometime and donations dried up, funding became critical to the future of the forum. On the other side, manufacturers could not legally advertise on the Rife Forum as they cannot be seen to be making any kind of health claims - which can often be found on the Rife Forum.
The Rife Shop will NOT make any health claims of any kind, thereby allowing Rife related businesses to interact with it, without being associated with making health claims.
Finding legitimate Rife related websites is not that easy. Although many websites have a links page, they typically only link to a handful of websites. Google has been changing their search parameters, that have made alternative medicine websites even harder to find. All the more reason to have our own search engine for the Rife community.
This is the first time a concerted effort is being made to link to as many Rife related websites as possible on one website. We suggest that other websites simply link to us, instead of running their own Links page. Basic entries on this website are free, under certain conditions and after approval by the admin. Editorial decision as to how a website is portrayed is decided by the admin, who will use transparent guidelines to neutrally comment on each website. He reserves the right to refuse any link request, without giving reasons. The main criteria is that the topics of the respective websites should be relevant to the categories they are placed in and of interest to the Rife community. Due to critics trying to wrongly associate Rife with Radionics, we will not permit links to websites that promote Radionics in any way. We will also try to avoid linking to websites with a shady or dishonest reputation, in order to protect our visitors from harm, both physically and financially.
All websites approved on this website, have been checked that they confirm to these guidelines.
Reputable commercial websites, may wish to have more control over the contents of their website description and be found more easily. They have the option to buy a "Sponsored" subscription that gives them much more control over the links to their website, in exchage for a monthly fee that is used to cover our costs. Websites that contribute financially to this website are displayed more prominently and may have the "Sponsored" label added to their link. Advertisers should note that the monthly fee applies per website and they can have multiple links to their website for that one flat-rate fee. More details can be found here.